White Horse Christian Center
West Lafayette, IN
FRIDAY, JULY 26th - 7:00 pm
SATURDAY, JULY 27th - 10:00 am
(complimentary lunch follows)
SATURDAY, JULY 27th - 2:00 pm
SUNDAY, JULY 28th - 10:00 am
We are looking forward to our Conference Gathering when Pastors Bobby & Martha Kirkley will be here to minister as our Guest Speakers.
Pastor Bobby's teaching is always enlightening and life-changing as he digs deep into the rich treasures of God's timeless Word and then imparts it to us from the Wisdom of the Word of God! We anticipate a powerful time together in the Presence and Word of God.
Pastor Martha is always such a tremendous blessing as she ministers in song and wisdom. The Lord moves powerfully through her gift of song and touches and heals hearts and sets captives free!
Pastors Bobby and Martha joined the Pastoral Ministry Staff at White Horse Christian Center in 2003. Pastors Bobby and Martha have served together in ministry in many capacities – pastors, teachers, armor bearers, intercessors, and Martha in praise and worship and the song of the Lord. They bring to their ministry powerful testimonies of the delivering power of God. Though Pastor Bobby’s teaching is biblically no-nonsense, his delivery is filled with God’s forgiveness, mercy, grace, and agape love. Martha Ruth is extremely sensitive to the Spirit of God and has an unusual anointing to sing the songs of the Lord and stop the enemy in his tracks. The combination of their individual breaker anointings allow Pastors Bobby and Martha Ruth to flow with a teaching and prophetic mantle upon their lives. The impact of their ministry has been felt throughout various cities in the U.S. and abroad, as they tear down, build up, and plant God’s word through intercession, song, and the precise teaching of His Word.
We hope to see as many of you as are able to come to the conference! Come with hearts open and ready to receive ALL God has in these meetings. It is so crucial to remain hungry for the truth and wisdom of God. Our spirit man craves the nourishment and revelation truth that is necessary to grow and mature spiritually, which comes out of studying the Word and a close personal relationship with our Lord.