August 12 - 16 2019

Join us for AMAZING
Bible Teaching
Swimming, Sports
Music, Drama
+ FUN!
AGES 4-13
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Cost: $65/child. After July 31: $75/child
Click Here for more information
about the camp Vision and Purpose

Please phone our office at 519-942-2338
to see if space is still available
to register your child(ren)

We are so excited about our upcoming Vacation Bible School!
Here is more information to help you prepare for the camp
​Bible Teaching
Sports & Games
Worship & Music
Lunch & Snacks
We will be providing lunch and snacks every day. We will not be serving foods with any type of nuts. If you have indicated your child has specific food allergies, we will substitute. Please help us ensure your child's complete safety by not bringing food, chewing gum or cough candies.
Please make sure to sign in your child upon entering the church between 8:30 - 8:50 a.m. each day and to sign out your child when you pick them up at 4:00 p.m. Please do not bring electronic devices of any kind to the camp. They will be confiscated and returned at the end of the day.
If you need to pick up your child earlier than usual, please advise the staff in advance. When you (or another authorized person) pick up your child, please make sure that a staff member wearing a staff t-shirt acknowledges your departure and you sign out your child.
If your child is not attending the camp due to illness, please advise the church office of the illness and the expected return date.

If a child appears to be ill, the child may be separated from the other children, and staff will notify the supervisor and parents immediately.
Obvious symptoms that indicate a child is ill are:
A fever over 38 degrees Celsius and low energy
Unexplained pain
Cold with fever, runny nose and eyes
Sore throat, difficulty swallowing
Rash or red eyes
Headache, stiff neck
Stomach ache, severe diarrhea or vomiting, itchy body or scalp
Known or suspected contagious illness, e.g., chicken pox, mumps and measles
Parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to keep ill children at home to prevent the spread of illness at the camp. Children must have been free from symptoms for 24 hours before returning to the camp. Please ensure you have back-up plans to accommodate any such spontaneous child care needs.
Staff can give prescription and non-prescription medications to your child only with your written authorization. If your child is on such medication, you will be asked to complete and sign an authorization form at the camp and discuss with staff the timing and amounts of the medicine to be given. Medications must be in the original container with the prescription label intact.
We will limit the amount of time the children spend outdoors between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. because of the high ultra violet radiation (U.V.) ratings. For this reason we have planned most of the outdoor games in the mornings. You are asked to sign a personal agreement allowing us to apply sunscreen. You should provide your child with a sunscreen of your choice. Please make sure to write your child's name on the bottle. While outside we recommend that the children wear hats as additional protection.

If your child is involved in a minor accident while in our care, our staff will immediately administer First Aid. We will inform you at pick-up time and you may be asked to sign an injury report. A child needing emergency medical care will be taken to Headwaters Hospital. You will be notified at once.
Running shoes & socks (outdoor games)
Sunscreen (labeled with your child’s name)
Water bottle (labeled with your child’s name)
Oversized t-shirt to wear over their clothes during craft time
(ages 4 - 10)
An extra set of clothing
Bathing suit & towel (labeled)
Personal Flotation Device (PFD) for swimming
Goggles, earplugs, or nose plugs if needed for swimming
Sweater (just in case … we do have air conditioning in the church)
Please send your child to camp
with their bathing suit already on under their clothes.
This saves us a lot of time!
Please make sure that all of
your child's items are
labeled with his/her name.
Please remove drawstrings
from clothing or tuck them
securely into coats/sweaters.
We look forward to meeting you and your children!
With great anticipation, The VBS Leadership Committee

Friday August 16 @ 4:30 pm
We invite you to attend a...

Parents & Guardians:
To end an awesome week of VBS, we invite you to join us in celebrating what the children have done during the week! Come and see special presentations by the children including a puppet show, slideshows of photos and special music. We will end our time with refreshments.