Jehovah Jireh
Christian Ministries
Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries is a legal denomination within the province of Ontario
and can issue proper credentials to perform marriages to full time ministers.
Jehovah Jireh Christian Ministries’ governing body is Bible-centered and apostolic in nature, seeking to model the early church by ordaining all the five-fold gifts to the body of Christ: the apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11-13), with no restriction to gender or race. JJCM is an umbrella ministry to provide accountability and pastoral counseling to leaders and through covenant relationship JJCM wants to recognize the giftings and callings on a person’s life by commissioning and releasing them to fulfill the vision of JJCM. We work with other denominations and ministries of like nature and mind. The ministers of JJCM are willing to work together in unity and be in a networking relationship with other Christian ministers and their ministries for the purpose of fulfilling the Great Commission.
Our vision is to see the five-fold ministers and their ministries work together in love and unity in the body of Christ. We believe that God is the one who calls the individual to ministry. The church then gives recognition to acknowledge God’s will and purpose in the individual’s life.
Our purpose is to restore, train, and give spiritual guidance to Christian ministers and in so doing help them develop and fulfill their God-given call to ministry.
Recognition issued is based upon the description of the applicant’s calling and ministry and the current involvement in that ministry. A length of time is not an automatic qualification for recognition. Applicants must be in covenant relationship with JJCM for a minimum of one year. This minimum time period may be waived if the applicant is presently ordained by another credible organization and meets all other JJCM requirements.