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Prophetic Word for 2025


Dear Friends,

2025 is a year of BIG change. I believe God is saying, “Things are going to change quickly.” So, it is time to be alive in Him and thrive in His plans and purposes. As I was listening to the Lord Monday morning, December 30, I looked at Lani, my Golden Retriever, and she was behaving in a way that was not as usual. She was teaching her 5-month-old puppy to respect her discipline and correction, to respect her boundaries. She growled at him, and he needed to listen to her. She was very bold and aggressive at correcting him, wanting him to obey her. He humbled himself in obedience to her, taking her correction, and learned to submit himself. All he wanted was my slipper, but Lani was saying, "I have it, it’s mine." He couldn’t get his way, so he went to the cat. They get along well and play together, but when Lani heard the cat meow, she immediately went to correct her puppy. Lani loves her puppy, and she plays well with him all the time, but she was teaching him. After the puppy humbled himself and learned obedience, she let him have the slipper.

God revealed to me that this is what He is doing in His children’s lives. He is bringing His law and order into His House by His Word. We have not honoured and respected Him. We have not feared Him in the way we need to fear Him. We have become so familiar with the old ways of doing things, doing church, worship and operating in the gifts. The pride still must go. We think we have humbled ourselves, but God says, “No, there’s still more humbling needed.” Many in the body, if they can’t get their own way, will leave and go to some other place. I believe the Lord is saying the body of Christ needs to come into such discipline, and it will come through great correction. There is a grieving that takes place from disobedience. God is looking for maturity, because it’s only the mature who are going to see the signs and wonders and miracles. God knows He can trust them to stay within His boundaries and only do what He’s telling them to do. I believe He was just saying to me, “When My children obey Me then I will answer their prayers and give unto them what they desire.” (Just like the puppy finally got the slipper.)

“For the Father’s discipline comes only from His passionate love and pleasure for you. Even when it seems like His correction is harsh, it’s still better than any father on earth gives to his child.” Proverbs 3:12

It is time, the Lord is saying, to rededicate our lives to Him. And in this fresh, new rededication, there will no longer be this going back and forth, but we will know that we’re going onward by His Spirit. It is time for us to be responsible for our walk with Him by God's grace.

The Lord says, “I am cleansing, pruning, and cutting off the old, for it’s not bearing fruit anymore. I do not wink at sin as the church has and I’m not going to tolerate it anymore.” We are called to be a holy priesthood and nation. A nation that is supposed to bring healing. And I heard the Lord saying, “Judgement is in the house of the Lord. I’m wanting you to worship Me in Spirit and truth.” The Lord says, “I’m going to see that My people humble themselves, for this is My requirement. This will take place by deeper prayer and intercession, where you’ve never gone before. You will weep, you will groan, you will travail and make intercession, and it is in this way you will humble yourselves. And you will laugh. I am joy and I’ve given you joy. Joy is in My salvation, and it is where your strength comes from.”

"Joyful are people of integrity, who follow the instructions of the Lord. Joyful are those who obey his laws and search for him with all their hearts. They do not compromise with evil, and they walk only in his paths." Psalm 119:1-3

It is springtime in the Spirit where everything is coming alive, but like the plants and trees, some don’t survive the winter - the testing. During this transitional time, the Lord is continuing to shake and cleanse His House, in His love, for He is the Judge and Discerner of hearts. He is dealing with the motive of our hearts. Tolerance is over and this is a holy Harvest time, a birthing time, a building time, a time of unity, fruitfulness, and restoration.

I also heard the Lord saying that, “History is about to repeat itself.” (Eccl. 1:9) And I believe that means that holiness is coming in again as a strong move of God as in the Book of Acts. Strong holiness messages will be coming forth, like those of men and women of old.

We are going to see the Lord in brand-new ways because greater revelation of the Spirit is going to come like never before, through this cleansing. He says, “My love will consume My people in a way that many have not yet experienced. My love will take hold of you, and you will love your enemies, and pray for them.”

Greater Glory and Victory is coming!

"The Lord is a friend to those who fear him.

He teaches them his covenant." Psalm 25:14


We have experienced much growth in 2024 as we have been purposely setting aside one Saturday a month in obedience to the Lord to seek and listen to Him in worship and prayer. We have been gathering together with others who also believe that the we are in such as time as this where the body of Christ must join together in unity to experience a greater outpouring of His glory in our region and nation. We have been blessed with more apostolic ministers being ordained with JJCM. God has also had us sowing seed into the nations by releasing His Word to them. In October 2024 we ministered in Nepal where there were many salvations and healings. The door has opened for us to go back in February 2025 to do a larger conference in another new area. The door also opened for us to go to India at the same time to do a conference and to do a ribbon cutting ceremony for a new well that we have paid for which will provide clean water for a Christian community of 150 families. 

I want to thank everyone for all your prayers and generous support of JJCM as we continue to labour and sow together in our local community/region, our nation, Israel, and other nations such as Ghana, Uganda, Nepal and India. I look forward to seeing you all as we can continue to seek the Lord together and encounter His glorious presence.

Much love and prayers in Christ,

Pastor Carol McLean


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