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Prophetic Words from Amy McLean

From Wednesday, April 22: This is a word the Lord spoke to me in my personal time with Him back on Thursday, April 16: “I know the plans that I have made for you, says the Lord. They are plans to prosper you and give you joy. Don’t be afraid in these days, for I am truly with you. I have never left you. Continue to seek Me and love Me with all your heart, and you will see the blessings that I have for you, declares the Lord. You are a blessing to Me as you seek My face with all your heart. I delight in knowing you, My beloved. Don’t think that I will not provide for your needs. I have promised it in My Word. My Word is truth and it shall stand forever. Stand on the promises of My Word, and don’t listen to the lies of the enemy. Be bold and be strong in these days. I am surely with you. Take the time, yes, take the time to sit at My feet and listen to Me, for I love you, My precious one. I love you, I love you, I love you. You are very dear to My heart. Just know that My ways are higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. Don’t let your thoughts stand in the way of My plans and My promises for you, declares the Lord. Trust Me and keep looking up, for your help comes from Me, the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. Just remember, I made you, I formed you in your mother’s womb. I know all about you. When I spoke the word to form my creation, which includes you, I said, IT IS GOOD.” From Sunday, April 26: This is a word the Lord gave me in my personal time with Him on Friday, April 24: “You are My beloved child. I do take delight in you sitting at My feet and resting in My presence. You are My joy and My delight. I am here for you. I am waiting for you and longing for you to spend time with Me. Take delight in Me. Take delight in My Word. It is life to your bones. Come away with Me, My beloved. Listen to My Words and take courage. I have so many things in store for you. Be grateful that you are in this time of isolation, because these are the days that you will become stronger in Me, and your faith is increasing. I have a perfect plan for you. Keep delighting in Me and My ways. Keep thinking about My goodness to you, and everything else that weighs you down will fall away. Yes, I do hold you in the palm of My hand. Don’t worry about what tomorrow holds, just think about My goodness each day. For each day is a new day in Me and I have new things for you to see each day. Be blessed, My daughter, My son, and don’t fret. I am with you, and I have much in store for you, says the Lord.”

- Amy McLean


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